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As celebrations get underway for this year's Neighbourhood Centre Week, The Hon. Kate Washington, NSW Minister for Families, Communities and Disabilities shares a brief video message of acknowledgement and support.

Neighbourhood Centre Week (NCW) is a nationwide initiative to celebrate the role of over 1,000 Neighbourhood Centres in local communities across the nation, including 180 in NSW. This year's NCW theme is "Stronger Together" and is being held from 13-19 May 2024. To mark the occasion, LCSA member organisations will host events, activities and programs to bring people together to recognise and highlight the importance of having place-based, community-led work that makes a positive difference in the life of local communities.

A transcript of the video message is below.

Message from the Minister

"Hello everyone.

This week is Neighbourhood Centre Week when we celebrate the difference neighbourhood centres make across the state every single day.

I want to acknowledge the important work neighbourhood centres do, supporting families and children, and building stronger communities.

I especially want to recognise and thank the hardworking, caring crews that make each centre run, the staff and boards who do everything they can to make sure local needs are being met.

Neighbourhood centres and the work you do is valued and appreciated by the New South Wales government. We'll keep backing you to deliver services where they're needed most to those that need them the most.

By working together with your deep connections across your communities, we can build the village where children and families can thrive.

I stand by my view that neighbourhood centres are the beating heart of our communities.

So, happy Neighbourhood Centre Week and thank you for all that you do."

We thank the Minister for her acknowledgement and support of Neighbourhood and Community Centres in NSW and for joining us in this week's celebrations.